Thursday 26 December 2013


I painted this on October 6th, I remember nothing about this day, except that it was awful. I'd like to keep the painting untitled, I guess it's better this way, I hate naming things anyway, it's too big of a responsibility for me.

This 50×70cm acrylic on canvas painting is now hanging in my friend's room.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Golden Whiskers

This painting belongs to the same collection my "Golden Ivory" belongs to. I still didn't come up with a good name for the collection. The name is the last thing that concerns me this time, though. I believe naming things is a great responsibility and I find it pretty hard to name anything, specially paintings. What concerns me more about this collection though is its becoming an actual collection! I don't want to end up with only these two paintings, just because I don't have enough time or because I never actually finish what I start doing.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Mountain Peak

When I paint I sort of let everything go and feel much better when I'm done. But this wasn't the case this time. Maybe because I didn't spend so much time painting it, it's only 20×30cm big anyway and took me just a couple hours. I would've loved to go bigger, but the painting's for a friend and she asked for this certain size.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Golden Ivory

Just a few months ago I used to apply only thick paint. Water never ended up on one of my paintings, which was pretty stupid. Now because of all the water I use, it takes more than 12 hours for the painting to dry out! 12 hours! That sounds like forever.

(Details: acrylic spray and paint on 30×40cm canvas)

P.S. Acrylic spray paint tastes awful, trust me, I accidentally tried it while preparing the background.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Watercolour Sketches

I painted the first sketch on the 10th of July and I coincidentally painted the second on the 10th of the following month; August. I thought it'd be cool if I painted one on the 10th of each month and since today's the 10th of September, it was time for a new sketch!

The first one was painted in Duke of York Square by the Saatchi in London. It was the first time I ever painted on the street.
The second sketch is of three telephone booths I saw in Trafalger Square in front of the Charing Cross Underground station.
And the third is of an area I spotted in Piccadely Circus using a view finder.  

Friday 6 September 2013

Foolishly polite

I'm not good with words, so I'll just let this painting speak for itself.
I'll tell you this though; being polite is really important, but don't let that prevent you from speaking up.

(40×40cm acrylic paint on canvas)

Thursday 22 August 2013

Blue Mess

I got yelled at for making a mess while painting this, but it was definitely worth it.
This 50×50cm acrylic spray and paint on canvas will soon be hanging in its new home in Cairo.

Friday 16 August 2013

My second landscape

This is the second landscape I ever painted. I never really knew I could paint landscapes and I defo didn't know it's going to be that much fun.
There's just one thing that I'm kinda worried about; I'm not quite sure if it's okay to paint landscapes using acrylic paint. It's like all landscapes are usually painted using oil colours and they all have this vintage feeling to them, which is not available in my painting. I just hope that's acceptable.. I don't know.

Friday 2 August 2013

Midnight sketches

I have been sketching for days now. It's slowly becoming an obsession. I really miss painting though.
The sketches of these cartoon characters were inspired by two amazing artists' work, that I got to see at the Saatchi in London; Gerald Davis' triptych "Fagboy" and Annie Kevans' portraits of dictators as children.

Saturday 29 June 2013

Red Ocean

I always have the feeling that the painting isn't messy enough when I abstract. I keep trying to express myself through painting and I mostly think I do until I look at the final result. No painting -so far- reflected all my feelings and thoughts perfectly. But this painting here, I assume, is the closest to that messy colourful painting, I've been lately wanting to paint.

Friday 24 May 2013

Milky Way

The best thing about abstract painting is that either you're in control of the paint brush or the paint brush is in control of you. It's hard to explain, but it's just that sometimes you don't know what to do next and you end up closing your eyes and letting the paint brush lead you. Well, they say that your feelings and thoughts are the ones leading you, but I'm not sure about that. I bet they're right, I just didn't reach the point, where I can fully express myself through painting. Not yet at least..
But all I know is that I enjoy nothing more than painting, even if I'm not always really satisfied with the result.

This is the first time I use spray paint while painting! And it's awesome!
When I was painting these circles my sister came to me and was like "Are these planets?".
Her comment really annoyed me, but I thought I'd name the painting "Milky Way" to always remember that provoking comment of hers.
I know you don't read my blog, little sister, but good job, you practically named the painting for me.

That's it for tonight! 
Ciao, beautiful people

Friday 3 May 2013

My Thursday night occupation

Another boring Thursday night spent alone. Another painting that kept me occupied for at least 4 hours.
I was supposed to continue a painting of a car I started a couple of weeks ago. I love painting/drawing cars. I always did. But now I think I love painting ships just as much, which somehow upsets me and I can't tell why.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Just a little too colourful

This drawing was supposed to be an attempt to use all 48 crayons of my set, but of course I failed at using them all! So I thought it was just going to be another way of letting my anger out. But I'm not quite sure if I really did let it out. So I guess the drawing practically failed at everything it was ever supposed to be. It doesn't matter though, I think I'm satisfied with the result after all.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Electric Contrast

"When you always use the same colours and patterns, your paintings will get boring and expected" That's what I fear the most! That's why I decided to use all the colours I would've never used together for this painting.
I only painted the first layer with paint brushes and did the rest with my hands. Don't they always say the hand is the greatest tool?
This painting proved to me that it's okay to be striking and unexpected and that it's okay to use more then three main colours in one painting after all.
Oh and I finally was able to name one of my paintings: I present to you "Electric Contrast".

Thursday 28 February 2013


On my way back home I decided I should paint, so I got a 30×30 canvas and two paint brushes. When I got home I started with the background and had to wait a little till it dried out -luckely, I was using acrylics, so I didn't have to wait so long- and then started with the pointe and I hated it. The colour I chose for the pointe was good, but just not good enough and it didn't really fit the colour of the background. I spent about 30mins mixing colours until I finally came up with the perfect colour. It was magical, I just love mixing colours and I adore pastels.
The painting is for a friend, I really hope she likes it!

Oh and excuse my crappy camera!

Sunday 24 February 2013

Hot colours

I haven't had enough time to paint or draw lately and when I finally had some leisure time, I realized I had almost no crayons at all! Just dark blue, red, orange, yellow, black and silver. But I was able to make something out of them anyway! It's not amazing, but it's somehow good. I'm not signing it though!
That's it for today. Ciao, beautiful people.

Saturday 16 February 2013

Unfinished Business

I haven't painted or sketched anything in like two months. Well, I started this series, that consists of four little 20x20cm little canvaces a few weeks ago and I started a big canvace (60x80cm), but had no time to finish them! :(
I also started a pencil sketch today, but wasn't in the mood to finish it! I wanted to paint, to use colours and to play around with my new paint brushes, so I decided I should colour my phone cover and I did. I started with the background today and I hope I'll be able to finish it by next friday! It's actually harder then I thought it would be, but it's so much fun! I hope it works out and if it did, I might order some phone covers and paint them all!

This little beauty I posted today is an oldie, but I have no idea when exactly I made it! Maybe I should listen to everyone after all and start signing and writing the date on my drawings!

Thursday 14 February 2013

My very first post

I wanted to paint today, but a friend of mine came over and I wasn't able to. It was a great day though!
However, I thought I should post a painting of mine in my first blog, so there it is. This one's really special to me. I didn't really like it when I finished it, but now it's my favourite.
I have no idea what people actually write in their blogs, so I guess that's it for today.
I hope this wasn't the worst first blog you've read!