Friday 24 May 2013

Milky Way

The best thing about abstract painting is that either you're in control of the paint brush or the paint brush is in control of you. It's hard to explain, but it's just that sometimes you don't know what to do next and you end up closing your eyes and letting the paint brush lead you. Well, they say that your feelings and thoughts are the ones leading you, but I'm not sure about that. I bet they're right, I just didn't reach the point, where I can fully express myself through painting. Not yet at least..
But all I know is that I enjoy nothing more than painting, even if I'm not always really satisfied with the result.

This is the first time I use spray paint while painting! And it's awesome!
When I was painting these circles my sister came to me and was like "Are these planets?".
Her comment really annoyed me, but I thought I'd name the painting "Milky Way" to always remember that provoking comment of hers.
I know you don't read my blog, little sister, but good job, you practically named the painting for me.

That's it for tonight! 
Ciao, beautiful people

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