Saturday 16 February 2013

Unfinished Business

I haven't painted or sketched anything in like two months. Well, I started this series, that consists of four little 20x20cm little canvaces a few weeks ago and I started a big canvace (60x80cm), but had no time to finish them! :(
I also started a pencil sketch today, but wasn't in the mood to finish it! I wanted to paint, to use colours and to play around with my new paint brushes, so I decided I should colour my phone cover and I did. I started with the background today and I hope I'll be able to finish it by next friday! It's actually harder then I thought it would be, but it's so much fun! I hope it works out and if it did, I might order some phone covers and paint them all!

This little beauty I posted today is an oldie, but I have no idea when exactly I made it! Maybe I should listen to everyone after all and start signing and writing the date on my drawings!

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