Saturday 25 January 2014

"Beauty in a Bubble"

I do not remember when I started painting this, but it was about two months ago, I guess. I had painted the background back then and yesterday I finally finished all the rest. It sucks how long it sometimes takes me to finish a painting.
This is the first painting I ever varnished. And spray varnishing is actually harder than I thought it would be, I think I'll try varnishing with a brush next time.
Oh and I put the title "Beauty in a Bubble" between quotation marks on purpose, because I'm not the one who came up with the name; it was a friend of mine who did.
(Details: 30cm×40cm acrylic paint and spray paint on canvas)

Sunday 12 January 2014

Absent-minded Smile

This is my first mixed media painting (if I may call it that). I used PVA adhesive, crushed dried flower petals and acrylics. It's the second biggest painting I did so far (30×100cm). It was painted on Saturday December 28th 2013 and is therefore the last one I painted that year.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Random Sketch

I did most of this sketch while talking on the phone. I hate talking on the phone and this was really the only thing to keep me occupied.
I hope I will get some paintings and sketches done by the end of the month. I painted on December 28th, but still didn't take -what I call- "the good photo" of the painting. Hopefully I will soon.
Happy new year, ciao.