Thursday 22 August 2013

Blue Mess

I got yelled at for making a mess while painting this, but it was definitely worth it.
This 50×50cm acrylic spray and paint on canvas will soon be hanging in its new home in Cairo.

Friday 16 August 2013

My second landscape

This is the second landscape I ever painted. I never really knew I could paint landscapes and I defo didn't know it's going to be that much fun.
There's just one thing that I'm kinda worried about; I'm not quite sure if it's okay to paint landscapes using acrylic paint. It's like all landscapes are usually painted using oil colours and they all have this vintage feeling to them, which is not available in my painting. I just hope that's acceptable.. I don't know.

Friday 2 August 2013

Midnight sketches

I have been sketching for days now. It's slowly becoming an obsession. I really miss painting though.
The sketches of these cartoon characters were inspired by two amazing artists' work, that I got to see at the Saatchi in London; Gerald Davis' triptych "Fagboy" and Annie Kevans' portraits of dictators as children.