Wednesday 20 May 2015

"The Danger of Silence"

There is this slam poem/ TEDx talk by Clint Smith titled "The Danger of Silence" where he quotes Martin Luther King Jr's words "In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silences of our friends".
This quote became my favourite and that's my attempt at visualizing it.

Wednesday 11 February 2015


Nothing feels better than letting all the stress out and painting during exam times.
I will let the painting speak for itself.

40cm × 40cm
Acrylic on canvas

Friday 21 November 2014

A better match

We were nothing but a few shades of grey molded into each other so beautifully. It was never to get more magical. I lost parts of me in you and so did you. But we were nothing but a few shades of grey and who wouldn't prefer a bit colour in their life? So you found yourself the perfect shades of the perfect colour, someone who is a better match to you than I am. And I tried so hard to become a colour, any colour, even the ones I hated, but I failed. And because I was so lost and confused I became every colour there is. And all colours combined create white. Now I am nothing but white shattered pieces holding on to the memory of a once magical life.

I never wrote an interpretation to any painting in my entire life, but I thought I would this time, because I didn't think many would get it right. Now I'm actually contradicting myself, because I always said the thing I liked the most about abstract is that everyone can see it differently, so even though I wrote an interpretation this time, I'd still like to hear those of other people.
Today is the 21st of November and I only realized that at the very end, but I was so happy, because I like the number 21 the most.
This is also the first time I paint something within the following two days after being inspired to do it and I am glad about that.
Ciao, beatiful people.

Saturday 25 October 2014


This summer I went to the US. One of the cities I visited there was Las Vegas and as much as I hated it, watching Cirque du Soleil's show "Mystère" was one of the top 3 things I enjoyed doing there the most. I was never inspired more by anything in my entire life. It was a great show; a two hour long piece of art with awesome music. I downloaded the tracks and listened to them while painting this, which was magical, because it almost brought me back there. I started the painting on September 27th and was done with everything except that figure in the forderground. But because school takes up most of my time I was only able to get it done yesterday.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Wall paintings

I haven't even held a paint brush in my hand since April and today it was finally time to do it. My friend, Mona Sophie, and I painted on her bedroom wall. Again! This is the second time we do.
The first time (which was last year) we painted a peacock and today we painted something a little more abstract next to her book shelf.

Saturday 29 March 2014


It's been a while since I last painted! It sucks, but anyway, I got this painting done last week; once again very early in the morning before everyone woke up. It's just magical painting while watching the sun rise.
I named this painting Electra after this amazing eight year old girl I met in Siwa last month. And I know you'll probably never read this, Electra Henrik, but thank you so much, I owe you a lot for being such a great inspiration to me.
Oh and this is finally my very first "purplish gold" painting!

Saturday 25 January 2014

"Beauty in a Bubble"

I do not remember when I started painting this, but it was about two months ago, I guess. I had painted the background back then and yesterday I finally finished all the rest. It sucks how long it sometimes takes me to finish a painting.
This is the first painting I ever varnished. And spray varnishing is actually harder than I thought it would be, I think I'll try varnishing with a brush next time.
Oh and I put the title "Beauty in a Bubble" between quotation marks on purpose, because I'm not the one who came up with the name; it was a friend of mine who did.
(Details: 30cm×40cm acrylic paint and spray paint on canvas)